So Tuesday morning I woke up with a bad headache. I didn't think anything of it as every once in a while I get headaches, but they go away quickly. Well this one didn't go away for days. It just kept getting worse and I was also experiencing some nausea at the same time. I managed to work through it Tuesday and most of Wednesday so that I didn't have to cancel therapy sessions or miss classes. Wednesday I tried some excedrine migraine, but the headache/migraine was so far gone that it did not help at all. The only way I was able to deal with it was by laying down in complete darkness and with limited noise. Problem was, I had a lot of homework to do and even sitting up would make me feel so sick and in so much pain that it was unbearable. So I ended up at the ER that night. Confession: I have always wanted to consider myself independent, but I was glad I had someone to be dependent on that night. If it hadn't been for B and D I don't think I would have made it through that night or the next day. B took me to the ER and stayed with me the whole time, she also drove me to the doctor the next morning and did my laundry. I feel bad that she did my laundry, but I really appreciate it. The doctor gave me meds for my nausea and headaches, so I slept most of Thursday and didn't go to the clinic as I don't think I would have been able to manage. The next day I was able to manage for a few hours before the pain came back, but couldn't take anything until I got to my parent's house because I didn't want to try to drive after taking my pain meds.
Saturday was the last major day of pain, but I was able to keep it away most of the day, by taking my pain meds early in the morning. My parents and I went up to Traverse City for the day. My dad went to the football game to cheer on my high school and watch them win the game that secured them a place at the state finals. My mom and I went shopping. We went to the little strip mall behind Gander Mountain and we then walked around the mall. I didn't buy anything at either of these places. I couldn't find what I was looking for so didn't buy anything. YAY ME!!!! lol.
After the game, we picked up my dad and then walked around downtown. We went to several stores. One I tried on the harry potter sorting hat and took pictures. The store had a lot of hats of all kinds. We went to Cherry Republic and did wine tasting. I wasn't liking any of the wine, so I switched to their pop tasting. I ended up buying a couple bottles of their pop. It was delicious. That is all I bought. We then went to dinner at Cracker Barrel because Olive Garden was packed. I was starting to get my headache back, but dinner and lots of laughs in the store portion made it go away and me feel better. I found a section in the store that was completely full of different sock monkey items. For some reason whenever I see a sock monkey I get super excited. Well this section had sock monkey slippers, robes, earmuffs, gloves, scarves, toys, candles, and much more. Being silly my mom and I took a picture together of us both in sock monkey earmuffs. It was fun and I was glad to be feeling better.
Well on the way home from Traverse City, I was texting C, my bf :). Confession: I really like being able to call C my bf. It is so easy to say and just fits. I had sent him both of the pictures of the sorting hat and the earmuffs. He laughed at me and wanted to know if I had bought the sorting hat. Lol. We were flirting back and forth and planning what time I would come over to his place the next day for our date. He told me he wanted to spend as much time with me as he could, and it made me so happy to know I felt the same way.
I got to his house at about 4. Darn gas stop made me get a late start. He showed me the main floor of his house, which has most of the work done on it. He had repainted, redone the counters in the kitchen, and he had redone all of the floors. It looked amazing. Well after that we went and walked on the boardwalk along the lake that is right in Holland and it was romantic. We held hands and walked and talked. I like holding his hand, they just fit right. When we got back to the car he opened the door for me and shut it after I got in. I've always wanted a guy to do that. We then went downtown and walked around and looked for a place to eat. They had already decorated for the holidays, which made me laugh because it was so warm out. Well most places were closed, but we found a good restaurant to eat at. While we were waiting for the waitress to come to get our orders, he held my hand on top of the table. He actually held my hand at a restaurant, this doesn't happen to me.
After dinner we went back to his place to watch a movie. It was nice, he let me pick even though he had suggested one. I picked a different one than he suggested and he didn't mind. We watched Despicable Me, it was good to laugh. We also cuddled and it was nice to feel safe and cared for by a guy. It has been a while. We talked after the movie and he is coming to meet my family later this week. He is kind of nervous, even though there is nothing to be afraid of. My dad and brother are big teddy bears, my mom can come across scary but she is just silly. I'm excited that I get to see him again so quickly. That is three times this month!!! It might seem silly to other people, but we hardly saw each other until this month.
I'm just happy right now. The stress of my headaches is gone for now. I'm home for Thanksgiving. As I probably won't post again until after Thanksgiving, I will list what I am thankful for now.
- I am thankful for my amazing family I have.
- I am thankful for my amaXing sisters both from my chapter and my sister from another chapter.
- I am thankful for my new boyfriend who makes me feel special and who I am falling in love with.
- I am thankful for B and D for letting me live at their place.
- I am thankful for my new friends at western.
- I am thankful for the opportunity to be working on my masters degree with a great faculty of teachers.